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  • 🔓 Open Sourcing AI: Brilliant Move or Pandora's Box? Meta's Llama2, and ⏸️ Has Generative AI Peaked or Just Hit Pause?

🔓 Open Sourcing AI: Brilliant Move or Pandora's Box? Meta's Llama2, and ⏸️ Has Generative AI Peaked or Just Hit Pause?

Plus: 🧰 Tools, A curated list of 📚 learning resources, and Latest news and trends.

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Meta is back on the news, and now their Open source Llama-2 is the hype and controversy, we will tell you why. This has led to the discussion if open source is a Brilliant Move or Pandora’s Box. And also we dive into the AI fading numbers.

  • 🤔 Should we be concerned about Meta's Game-Changing Language Model? (link)

  • 🧰 AI Tools of the Day (Marketing Edition)

  • 🔓 Open Sourcing AI: Brilliant Move or Pandora's Box?

  • 📚 The Learning Corner (Our Curated list of 2023)

  • ⏸️ Has Generative AI Peaked or Just Hit Pause? (link)

  • ❓Prompt of the Day (Tutorial)

  • 💪🏽 Important AI News and Trends.

🤔 Should we be concerned about Meta's Game-Changing Language Model? (link)

Is open-source safe?

Meta is truly moving fast and breaking lots of things. Now they are all over the news after announcing the release of Llama2, their large language model that competes with ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Clause, but this second version has been trained on 40 times more data than its predecessor.

The model being open-source provides exciting opportunities for developers and businesses to leverage powerful AI capabilities at no cost. However, concerns about potential misuse and the actions of bad actors have also been raised. Finding a balance between accessibility and responsible use is crucial to maximizing the benefits while minimizing risks. Collaboration and oversight are essential to ensure AI technologies are utilized ethically and for positive outcomes.

  • Mark Zuckerberg announced Meta will provide the code for its latest AI chatbot technology for free to developers and enthusiasts.

  • This is similar to Meta's move in February to release an earlier version of its AI technology.

  • Meta believes open-sourcing its AI will allow for more scrutiny to fix issues and spur innovation by letting others build on top of it.

  • Other big tech companies like Google and Microsoft have actually limited access to their latest AI over safety and competition concerns.

  • Meta argues it's better for everyone if this technology is shared openly rather than restricted.

  • Meta's latest AI called LLaMA 2 is a large language model like ChatGPT that can have conversations.

  • Critics worry openly releasing it could lead to more AI-generated disinformation, spam, and abuse.

  • Meta says it has safeguards in place, but some developers could use the code without restrictions.

  • Meta previously open-sourced Android, arguing open platforms have benefited the company strategically.

🔓 Open Sourcing AI: Brilliant Move or Pandora's Box?

Potential Benefits:
  • Allows more researchers to inspect, debug, and improve the models. Broader collaboration could accelerate progress in AI.

  • Enables smaller companies and startups to build products with state-of-the-art AI, instead of just large tech giants. Promotes competition and innovation.

  • Aligns with the open source ethos that sharing code openly has benefits for society and technology development.

Potential Risks:
  • Could allow malicious actors to more easily misuse AI to generate disinformation, spam, etc. Safety issues may emerge.

  • May stifle commercial incentives to develop better AI if companies can simply copy open source versions. Could consolidate power in a few large players.

  • Hard to put the "genie back in the bottle" if issues emerge. Widespread use makes regulating or restricting models later very difficult.

  • Scaled language models have unknown societal impacts. Caution may be warranted as we better understand the risks.

Overall there are good-faith arguments on both sides. Zuckerberg among many other tech leaders is all about open source systems, while there are others more skeptical about this strategy since it opens the door for bad actors to exponentially improve their crimes, and once the cat is out of the bag is hard to tame it.

Reasonable people can disagree on whether the benefits outweigh the risks or vice versa. Rigorous testing, monitoring for misuse, and developing social norms and best practices around the use of these models will be important in any case.

🧰 AI Tools of the Day

  • AIPRM: There's a prompt for that - Build a team and a prompt library in AIPRM. Stay synchronized, share prompts, and produce outstanding content together.

  • Drippi.ai - An AI assistant for your Twitter DMs

  • Sonic Link - Create AI Agents, AI text chatbots, AI voice chatbots, AI document chatbots, AI PDF chatbots! FREE tier designed for small creators and businesses.

  • Ai Carousels - The Fastest Way to Create Social Media Carousels

  • Caption It - Generate witty, deep, and cute image captions instantly.

Also, feel free to download our 150+ Ai tools. "Revolutionize Your Business and Unleash Your Creative Potential with Cutting-Edge AI Tools!

How to Become a smarter marketer 🧠

Stacked Marketer is the industry insider newsletter that gives marketers an edge over the competition. Covering breaking industry news, tips, and tricks for almost every marketing channel including Google, Facebook, Native, SEO, and more.

  • It’s a quick 7-minute daily read.

  • Carefully curated marketing news, ad tech, and actionable advice.

  • Delivered fresh every weekday, straight to your inbox, and 100% free.

⏸️ Has Generative AI Peaked or Just Hit Pause? (link)

  • After a period of rapid growth, ChatGPT saw a 9.7% drop in traffic from May to June. Google searches for related terms are also declining after peaking.

  • However, surveys show generative AI still has low awareness, with under 60% of Americans having tried ChatGPT. So the space has room to grow.

  • Some generative AI startups like Character.ai are still seeing growth, with 60% monthly increase in traffic. AI searches on Google are also rising overall.

  • Mentions of "generative AI" in earning calls doubled in Q2 2023, showing continued business interest.

  • The hype cycle is cooling off, but generative AI remains in the early stages. More companies are expected to incorporate it into products and services.

  • In comparison, Crypto fundraising dropped 78% in the first half of 2023, showing the crypto hype cycle crashing down. This raises the question of whether generative AI like ChatGPT is headed for a similar fate.

  • The space has potential for both large tech platforms offering it as a feature and new startups building vertical solutions. But it's not likely to disappear anytime soon despite some slowing growth.

While crypto and AI are both emerging technologies, their trajectories differ significantly. Unlike crypto, AI already has countless proven use cases across industries. While blockchain is an innovative technology, cryptocurrencies remain controversial due to issues like regulation and unclear real-world utility. In contrast, AI is becoming deeply integrated into products and services we use daily, often without our awareness.

📚 The Learning Corner

I've hand-curated the top 70+ courses and learning resources for AI, Machine Learning, and Large Language Models. This expert collection gives you exclusive access to the same training used at the most prestigious universities and tech firms.

In just a few weeks, you'll go from AI novice to expert with courses taught by pioneers like Andrew Ng. Learn to implement AI algorithms from scratch, leverage pre-built ML tools like TensorFlow, and create apps powered by revolutionary models like ChatGPT.

❓Prompt of the Day

I want you to Summarize this: and proceed to add a text of almost any length or link and it will give you a very detailed summary of the text. The amazing thing about Claude.ai (chat model by Anthropic) is how it can large immensely large texts and summarize them and/or break them down in seconds.

💪🏽 Important AI News and Trends


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